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Birthday party for Boys Pirates of the Caribbean

Pirates of the Caribbean

pirates of the caribbean birthday partyHere you can find party items and party decoration for Pirates of the Caribbean birthday party. You can also find many pirates theme decorations, costumes and accessories to complete the pirate experience.


Pin the treasure chest party game

Párty hra připíchněte poklad
Catalog number: 398270
65 Kč s DPH

: 398270

Pin the treasure chest party game for 12 players

Pirates treaure chest pinata

Obrázek k výrobku 18510 - Pinata truhla pokladů
Catalog number: WM-PSSK
469 Kč s DPH


Pirates treaure chest pinata, 25X30X34cm

A great party game

Pirates ship pinata

Pinata pirátská loď
Catalog number: 66269
569 Kč s DPH

: 66269

Pirates ship pinata, 27X31cm

A great party game

Pirate tattoo

Pirátské tetování
Catalog number: n51040
3 Kč s DPH

: n51040

Pirate tattoo, 3cm

Pirate mini pinball

Pirátské Mini pinball
Catalog number: t65052
7 Kč s DPH

: t65052

Pirate mini pinball

3 types, each sold separately

Jumping pirate

Skákací pirát
Catalog number: t90114
10 Kč s DPH

: t90114

Jumping pirate

5 types, each sold separately

Pirates of the caribean stickers

Samolepky Piráti z Karibiku
Catalog number: 300020
19 Kč s DPH

: 300020

Pirates of the caribean stickers

Pirate head bandana

Pirátský šátek
Catalog number: b52804
20 Kč s DPH

: b52804

Pirate head bandana

Pirate telescope

Malý teleskop
Catalog number: t48027
20 Kč s DPH

: t48027

Pirate telescope, 12cm

Pirate figure

Pirátská figurka
Catalog number: 39257
25 Kč s DPH

: 39257

Pirate figure, 7cm, 6 types

Gold coins

Obrázek k výrobku 20000 - Zlaté mince
Catalog number: int399879
120 Kč s DPH

: int399879

72 gold coins

Pirates party favour pack for 8 kids

Výslužka sada Pirátská párty pro 8 děti
Catalog number: int398222
239 Kč s DPH

: int398222

48 pieces Pirates party favour pack, includes 8 sets of: party bags, play money, activity sheets, eye patches, whistles & prism viewers

This is a great value for money!!!

Pirate lady costume

Kostým pirátka
Catalog number: u00334
809 Kč s DPH

: u00334

Pirate lady costume. includes: shirt, vest, skirt, belt and headband

Pirate costume

Kostým pirát
Catalog number: u37382
999 Kč s DPH

: u37382

Pirate costume, includes: shirt, belt, pants, boot tops, dickey and headpiece

Pirate costume

Kostým pirát
Catalog number: u00994
439 Kč s DPH

: u00994

Pirate costume, size: 7-9 years, includes: shirt, belt, pants and headband

Pirate zombie costume

Kostým pirát Zombie
Catalog number: v00891
499 Kč s DPH

: v00891

Pirate zombie costume, size: 7-9 years, includes: pants, shirt and bandana

Pirate costume

Kostým pirát
Catalog number: u88323
599 Kč s DPH

: u88323

Pirate costume, size: 7-9 years, includes: shirt with vest, belt, pants, bandana and bootcovers

Pirate costume

Kostým pirát
Catalog number: u00060
435 Kč s DPH

: u00060

Pirate costume. standard. size: 4-6 years. includes: shirt. belt. pants. headband

Pirate hat

Pirátský klobouk
Catalog number: h41047
29 Kč s DPH

: h41047

Pirate hat, foam

Pirate head bandana

Obrázek k výrobku 18533 - Pirátský šátek
Catalog number: u09604
61 Kč s DPH

: u09604

Pirate head bandana

Pirate bandana

Pirátský šátek
Catalog number: h38519
110 Kč s DPH

: h38519

Pirate bandana, black

Pirate lady hat

Klobouk Pirátka
Catalog number: 257571
129 Kč s DPH

: 257571

Pirate lady hat

Pirate hat

Pirátský klobouk
Catalog number: 81936
195 Kč s DPH

: 81936

Pirate hat, imitation leather

Pirate hat with hair

Obrázek k výrobku 21392 - Pirátský klobouk s vlasy
Catalog number: h00464
319 Kč s DPH

: h00464

Pirate hat with hair

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Items 91
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e-mail: info@pro-party.cz
mobile: +420 602 222 429

Where to find us

Prague 5- Galerie Butovice

Tel: 234 141 456


Prague 9- Galerie Harfa

Tel: 234 132 142


Liberec- Nisa
Tel: 481 444 222


Liberec- Géčko
Tel: 483 322 964


Plzeň- Slovany (Dvořák)
Tel: 373 312 381


Brno- Futurum
Tel: 547 211 784


Olomouc- City
Tel: 583 211 735


Ostrava- Laso
Tel: 595 548 070


Hradec Králové- Atrium
Tel: 493 620 936

Helium for the party
The helium tank is perfect for home usage and a wonderful accessory for every party. It is a single use canister and can be discarded after use. The tank has sufficient helium for 30, 23cm balloons or for 8, 36cm balloons.

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