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Party Supplies and Party Decorations Party jokes and tricks

Party Jokes and Party Tricks



Catalog number: v09729
75 Kč s DPH

: v09729

9 HALLOWEEN spiders, 6 cm

Horror teeth

Obrázek k výrobku 19980 - Zuby Horror
Catalog number: v02871
53 Kč s DPH

: v02871

Horror teeth

Smelly bag- stink bomb

Smradlavá bombička
Catalog number: t01799
7 Kč s DPH

: t01799

Smelly bag- stink bomb

Just squash it and step back to enjoy the smell

Safety pin through the nose

Spínací špendlík skrz nos
Catalog number: 55.55003
25 Kč s DPH

: 55.55003

Safety pin through the nose

Fart whistle

Prdící píšťalka
Catalog number: n79027
25 Kč s DPH

: n79027


Catalog number: n79006
29 Kč s DPH

: n79006


Nose and glasses

Obrázek k výrobku 19982 - Brýle s nosem
Catalog number: t03603
30 Kč s DPH

: t03603

Nose and glasses, child size

Fart cushion

Prdící polštářek
Catalog number: t03600
35 Kč s DPH

: t03600

Fart cushion

Finger bandage

Krvavý obvaz na prst
Catalog number: 579887
37 Kč s DPH

: 579887

Finger bandage

Knife through the head

Nůž skrz hlavu
Catalog number: 843424
44 Kč s DPH

: 843424

Knife through the head

Nail through the head

Obrázek k výrobku 23802 - Hřebík skrz hlavu
Catalog number: GWPGL-YH
44 Kč s DPH


Nail through the head

Snappy gum

Žvýkačka- pastička
Catalog number: 8922
45 Kč s DPH

: 8922

Snappy gum

Puppy poop

Catalog number: 8915
45 Kč s DPH

: 8915

Puppy poop

Pop up joke can

Překvapení v plechovce
Catalog number: 8905
45 Kč s DPH

: 8905

Pop up joke can

When opened, a spring jumps out

Bleeding knife

Krvavý nůž
Catalog number: 54.74238
55 Kč s DPH

: 54.74238

Bleeding knife, 23cm

Pop out eyes glasses

Obrázek k výrobku 19489 - Brýle oči na pružině
Catalog number: HN-14346
56 Kč s DPH

: HN-14346

Pop out eyes glasses

Red party glasses

Obrázek k výrobku 23688 - Party brýle červené
Catalog number: OKJCZ-YH
58 Kč s DPH


Red party glasses, 28cm

Orange party glasses

Obrázek k výrobku 23689 - Party brýle oranžové
Catalog number: OKJPO-YH
58 Kč s DPH


Orange party glasses, 28cm

Green party glasses

Obrázek k výrobku 23690 - Party brýle zelené
Catalog number: OKJZI-YH
58 Kč s DPH


Green party glasses, 28cm

Yellow party glasses

Obrázek k výrobku 23691 - Party brýle žluté
Catalog number: OKJZO-YH
58 Kč s DPH


Yellow party glasses, 28cm

Joke set

Obrázek k výrobku 18596 - Sada Ptákovin
Catalog number: n21043
74 Kč s DPH

: n21043

Joke set, 5 pieces

Nail through the head

Hřebík skrz hlavu
Catalog number: 74435.3
79 Kč s DPH

: 74435.3

Nail through the head

Bolt through the head

Šroub skrz hlavu
Catalog number: 74435.2
79 Kč s DPH

: 74435.2

Bolt through the head


e-mail: info@pro-party.cz
mobile: +420 602 222 429

Where to find us

Prague 5- Galerie Butovice

Tel: 234 141 456


Prague 9- Galerie Harfa

Tel: 234 132 142


Liberec- Nisa
Tel: 481 444 222


Liberec- Géčko
Tel: 483 322 964


Plzeň- Slovany (Dvořák)
Tel: 373 312 381


Brno- Futurum
Tel: 547 211 784


Olomouc- City
Tel: 583 211 735


Ostrava- Laso
Tel: 595 548 070


Hradec Králové- Atrium
Tel: 493 620 936

Helium for the party
The helium tank is perfect for home usage and a wonderful accessory for every party. It is a single use canister and can be discarded after use. The tank has sufficient helium for 30, 23cm balloons or for 8, 36cm balloons.

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