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Birthday Party for Adults


Adult partyParty supplies and party decorations for adults birthdays in all ages. The items are in general birthday-party themes where a special emphesis was put on 18th birthday, 20th birthday, 30th birthday, 40th birthday, 50th birthday, 60th birthday, 70th birthday and 80th birthday.


18th birthday swirl decoration

Spirálová dekorace 18, Osmnáctiny
Catalog number: 997916
105 Kč s DPH

: 997916

12 18th birthday swirl decoration, 60cm

HAPPY BIRTHDAY swirl decorations

Spirálová dekorace HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Catalog number: 9901177
109 Kč s DPH

: 9901177

12 HAPPY BIRTHDAY swirl decorations, 60cm each

60th birthday swirl decoration

Spirálová dekorace 60, Šedesátiny
Catalog number: 670480
109 Kč s DPH

: 670480

12 60th birthday swirl decoration

40th birthday swirl decoration

Spirálová dekorace 40, Čtyřicetiny
Catalog number: 670481
109 Kč s DPH

: 670481

12 40th birthday swirl decoration

30th birthday swirl decorations

Spirálová dekorace 30, Třicátiny
Catalog number: 670478
109 Kč s DPH

: 670478

12 30th birthday swirl decorations

18th birthday swirl decoration

Spirálová dekorace 18, Osmnáctiny
Catalog number: 9900558
109 Kč s DPH

: 9900558

12 18th birthday swirl decoration, 60cm

50th birthday swirl decoration

Spirálová dekorace 50, Padesátiny
Catalog number: 670479
119 Kč s DPH

: 670479

12 50th birthday swirl decoration

40th birthday swirl decorations

Spirálová dekorace 40, Čtyřicetiny
Catalog number: 679056
119 Kč s DPH

: 679056

15 40th birthday swirl decorations, 61cm each

60th birthday swirl decoration

Spirálová dekorace 60, Šedesátiny
Catalog number: 034117
159 Kč s DPH

: 034117

2 60th birthday swirl decoration, 91cm each

30th birthday swirl decoration

Spirálová dekorace 30, Třicátiny
Catalog number: 034114
159 Kč s DPH

: 034114

2 30th birthday swirl decoration, 91cm each

60th birthday swirl decorations

Spirálová dekorace 60, Šedesátiny
Catalog number: 679062
239 Kč s DPH

: 679062

15 60th birthday swirl decorations, 61cm each

50th birthday swirl decorations

Spirálová dekorace 50, Padesátiny
Catalog number: 679059
239 Kč s DPH

: 679059

15 50th birthday swirl decorations, 61cm each

30th birthday swirl decorations

Spirálová dekorace 30, Třicátiny
Catalog number: 679054
239 Kč s DPH

: 679054

15 30th birthday swirl decorations, 61cm each

60th birthday string decorations

Řetězová dekorace 60, Šedesátiny
Catalog number: 678253
49 Kč s DPH

: 678253

6 60th birthday string decorations, 2m each

50th birthday string decorations

Řetězová dekorace 50, Padesátiny
Catalog number: 678252
79 Kč s DPH

: 678252

6 50th birthday string decorations, 2m each

18th birthday string decoration

Řetězová dekorace 18, Osmnáctiny
Catalog number: 990865
79 Kč s DPH

: 990865

6 18th birthday string decorations, 2m each

40th birthday string decorations

Řetězová dekorace 40, Čtyřicetiny
Catalog number: 678251
94 Kč s DPH

: 678251

6 40th birthday string decorations, 2m each

30th birthday string decorations

Řetězová dekorace 30, Třicátiny
Catalog number: 678250
94 Kč s DPH

: 678250

6 30th birthday string decorations, 2m each

60th birthday string decorations

Řetězová dekorace 60, Šedesátiny
Catalog number: 55337
107 Kč s DPH

: 55337

60th birthday string decorations, 1.5m each

60th birthday string decorations

Řetězová dekorace 60, Šedesátiny
Catalog number: 55327
107 Kč s DPH

: 55327

60th birthday string decorations, 1.5m each

50th birthday string decorations

Řetězová dekorace 50, Padesátiny
Catalog number: 55336
107 Kč s DPH

: 55336

50th birthday string decorations, 1.5m each

50th birthday string decorations

Řetězová dekorace 50, Padesátiny
Catalog number: 55326
107 Kč s DPH

: 55326

50th birthday string decorations, 1.5m each

40th birthday string decorations

Řetězová dekorace 40, Čtyřicetiny
Catalog number: 55335
107 Kč s DPH

: 55335

40th birthday string decorations, 1.5m each

40th birthday string decorations

Řetězová dekorace 40, Čtyřicetiny
Catalog number: 55325
107 Kč s DPH

: 55325

40th birthday string decorations, 1.5m each
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e-mail: info@pro-party.cz
mobile: +420 602 222 429

Where to find us

Prague 5- Galerie Butovice

Tel: 234 141 456


Prague 9- Galerie Harfa

Tel: 234 132 142


Liberec- Nisa
Tel: 481 444 222


Liberec- Géčko
Tel: 483 322 964


Plzeň- Slovany (Dvořák)
Tel: 373 312 381


Brno- Futurum
Tel: 547 211 784


Olomouc- City
Tel: 583 211 735


Ostrava- Laso
Tel: 595 548 070


Hradec Králové- Atrium
Tel: 493 620 936

Helium for the party
The helium tank is perfect for home usage and a wonderful accessory for every party. It is a single use canister and can be discarded after use. The tank has sufficient helium for 30, 23cm balloons or for 8, 36cm balloons.

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